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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Expository Essay: John McCain with Works Cited

McCain is the Man
John McCain stance on various topics has been obscured by all of the television advertisements and one-sided media establishments. These obscurities need to be rubbed out. John McCain’s thoughts and personal beliefs has been inspected and exposed, everything he has said or done in his lifetime, good or bad, has been brought to light. This man is in the running to be the next President of the United States of America; the voters deserve to know exactly where he stands, and make an intelligent decision on which candidate is better suited to deal with America’s enormous problems.

“In the global economy, what you learn is what you earn. . . We need to shake up failed school bureaucracies with competition; hold schools accountable for results strengthen math, science, technology and engineering curriculums; empower parents with choice; remove barriers to qualified instructors, attract and reward superior teachers, and have a fair but sure process to weed out incompetents”(Highlights). John McCain is a firm believer in higher education for America; he wants to provide bonuses to teachers that increase the test scores of their students and throughout the school itself. Also he believes that teachers that teach in intercity areas or underachieving schools should also receive bonuses to help motivate the teachers to better educate the children. John McCain wants to make it easier for people who graduate in top twenty-five percent of their classes and are parts of certain organizations to become teachers, because he feels they are more motivated to teach. These will all play a part in keeping our kids in school and out of trouble.

“[John McCain] has supported legislation to increase penalties for repeat felons who commit crimes with a firearm, or commit violent crimes on behalf of a criminal gang” ( John McCain has stood by local police departments and done his best to empower them. His belief is that they are the ones who take care of most arrests and deserve to be treated with respect. This means that, the police don’t need the FBI jumping in on every case they can handle it themselves (except on certain occasions of course). “Terrorism, public corruption and the investigation of multi-state and international criminal organizations” are some of these exceptions and require the federal agencies aid and oversight ( Sexual predators are becoming a bigger and bigger problem, “McCain is a strong proponent of aggressively pursuing Internet predators, for fully implementing the Adam Walsh Act including lifetime registration for child sexual offenders, and funding the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Forces (ICACs) that employ many sheriffs' deputies across the nation to track purveyors of child pornography”( He is a firm believer that our children come first when it comes to safety. The countries safety as a whole is also one of the biggest concerns for this candidate.

“As early as 2001 McCain was helping make the case for war with Iraq” (McCain’s). The democrats are using this as a bad thing but, in 2001, everyone who had a pulse in America wanted to go to war over what happened on 9/11. In addition, George W. Bush’s approval rating was actually reasonable then. So it was basically popular to stick by the President at that time because the largest attack on America’s homeland had just happened and the people of the United States wanted to make someone pay for it.
“"We both disagree with President Bush on economic policy," McCain said.”The difference is that he thinks taxes have been too low, and I think that spending has been too high"” (Issenberg). John McCain feels that of all of these situations, the ailing economy needs the most attention. The POW promises to cut government spending and help remove this government from debt and turnaround the backsliding economy. Despite the ridiculous government spending over the past eight years, Obama and McCain both voted for the $700 Billion bail-out for AIG. McCain believes that this will help keep one of the biggest companies in America afloat and keep thousands of jobs in tact. For either candidate, this economy will be a huge challenge to tackle, but the amount of dedication McCain has showed to turning it around seems promising.

So, despite what you hear on television, or on the radio, these are the cold, hard facts of Presidential Candidate John McCain’s policies. Hopefully, voters can look past all of the mudslinging from both parties and put the right candidate in office.

Works Cited
"HIGHLIGHTS OF JOHN McCAIN'S EDUCATION PROPOSALS. (cover story)." Phi Delta Kappan 90.2 (Oct. 2008): 91-95. Business Source Corporate. EBSCO. Gloucester County College, Sewell, NJ. 28 Oct. 2008 .

Issenberg, Sasha. "Final week, fervent themes - McCain calls liberals a threat to economy.” Boston Globe [Boston, Mass.] 28 Oct. 2008, A.1. ProQuest Central. ProQuest. Gloucester County College, Sewell, NJ. 28 Oct. 2008

"John". McCain-Palin 2008. October 28, 2008 .

"McCain Repeated Claims That 'Led the Nation to War Under Decidedly False Pretenses', Says Democratic National Committee.” U.S. Newswire 23 January 2008 ProQuest Central. ProQuest. Gloucester County College, Sewell, NJ. 28 Oct. 2008

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